Saturday, September 25, 2004

More on the coming middle east Nuclear war.

"TEHRAN, Iran - Iran said Saturday it successfully tested a “strategic missile” and delivered it to its armed forces, state-run radio reported....Defense Minister Ali Shamkhani declined to give details about the missile for “security reasons,” but said Iran was “ready to confront all regional and extra-regional threats,” the report said.

....The announcement came four days after Israel said it was buying about 5,000 U.S.-made smart bombs, including 500 one-ton bunker-busters that can penetrate 6-foot-thick concrete walls.

In 1981, Israel bombed Iraq’s nuclear facility before the reactor could begin operating and the smart bombs are believed capable of destroying Iranian nuclear sites. Iran is suspected by the United States and others of developing nuclear arms and is under increasing international pressure to cease some atomic projects...."

Friday, September 24, 2004

Kerry finally finds his voice

I read an article today that made me optimistic. Kerry finally started going after Bush with clear, pointed accusations pointed at the things Bush has screwed up over the last 4 years.

"PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry faulted President Bush on Friday for pursuing Saddam Hussein instead of Sept. 11 mastermind Osama bin Laden, a part of a Bush strategy he contended had made defeating terrorism more difficult.

``The invasion of Iraq was a profound diversion from the battle against our greatest enemy, al-Qaida,'' Kerry said in a speech at Temple University. ``There's just no question about it. The president's misjudgment, miscalculation and mismanagement of the war in Iraq all make the war on terror harder to win....Iraq is now what it was not before the war, a haven for terrorists.''

...A day earlier, Kerry told The Columbus Dispatch that the president's actions in Iraq and elsewhere show Bush masquerading as a mainstream conservative while pursuing extremist policies.

``I don't view these people as conservatives,'' Kerry said. ``I actually view them as extreme, and I think their policies have been extreme, and that extends all the way to Iraq, where this president, in my judgment, diverted the real war on terror - which was Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida - and almost obsessively moved to deal with Iraq in a way that weakened our nation, overextended our armed forces, cost us $200 billion and created a breach in our oldest alliances.''

Kerry also mentioned a blurring line between the separation of church and state and the growth of federal budget deficits.

To douse the spread of terrorism, Kerry proposed policies aimed at denying individuals and groups the ability to organize and attack. Kerry said he would build a better military and intelligence apparatus to go after enemies, deny terrorists weapons and financing, move against worldwide terrorist havens and recruitment centers, and promote freedom and democracy in Muslim nations...."

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Tobi: Lots of News

A lot of stuff has been going on.

It all started when Big House told me that Tina kinda dug me.

Then while I was talking to Big House Tina got on the line. We (Tina and I) talked until 6 AM. At the end of the call we had admitted to being immensely attracted to each other.

Over the last few days we have spent about 20 hours on the phone. She is an amazing woman.

Tina is driving down with Big House to see me on Wednesday. She wants to go clubbing (!?)---I am worried about that. I don't think I have danced in the last decade ---and I wasn't a great dancer to start. But I did say "whatever you want to do" :P

As almost a forgotten item, I got into a fender bender. It seems so unimportant in comparison.

I am also moving to a new apartment. Time to leave the apartment I got to make Tiff comfortable behind.

Food Pyramids: Nutrition Source, Harvard School of Public Health

Adventure: Mississippi trip II

I am back from Mississippi.

It truely was an adventure. I took Greyhound out. That kind of sucked. I left at 3 am and reached Mississippi at noon. I only slept about an hour on the bus. The last hour I was on the bus I kept falling asleep and having those falling dreams where you spaz awake. The guy I was sitting next to made fun of me about that. :P

I reached Mississippi and hung out with my friend from the slammer, Big House.

People in rural mississippi seem quite poor. Most people lived in either what would be considered a lower middle-class brick home in Dallas, a worn trailer home, or what to my eye looked like condemned homes. It was eye-opening to realize how sheltered of a life I have lived in that regard.

The soil has a heavy clay content. It is a dusty and a brick orange color. Land is extremely fertile and appears to get a lot of rain. It was interesting discussing the landscape with Big House and her friends. I had remarked how I was amazed at how green and lush this section of new growth was that we passed. Big House thought it was extremely ugly having lived there her whole life. She bemoaned the loss of the older, taller trees. It is interesting how our different life experience affected our perspectives.

It is an interesting area. There are few jobs around. The best jobs can be had at the two casinos on the Native American Reservation. It was interesting to hear Big House's brother talk about that tribe and say, "Man they've got it easy". Interesting to hear from a white man. It pleases me that so many tribes are getting into the Casino business and their members are become quite prosperous.

The nicest homes appeared to all be on the reservation.

Culturally, Mississippi was odd. It seemed like everyone I met who was over the age of 16 (except for myself and Big House) had kids with 2 or 3 people or had been married a few times. Is that what America is really like?

We stayed with a lovely lady named Tina. She was very sweet and playful.

On the last day I was there Hurricane Ivan rolled into town. Since Tina lives in a trailer home and it was not secure and they cancelled all buses to mississippi, we drove to Arkansas to skip the storm.

The trip to Arkansas was fun. We talked about a ton of stuff. I saw Kudzu for the first time. It is really amazing the way is just swallows forrests in it's vines. If that stuff ever hits the great plains, we are all screwed.

So on the bus on the way home I almost got into a fight with some bald guy who was being a dick to the bus driver. I have to put up with loud mouths on the phones at work, but I feel no reason to tolerate them if I am not being paid.

I got back to Dallas and stood outside the bus stop waiting for my ride. None of the Dallas crazies messed with me. I think that was due to one of three possible reasons. 1) I looked tough, studly, and scary (not likely) ; 2) I looked like a penniless homeless person (more likely than 1); or 3) I smelled like a homeless person (sadly, entirely possible as at that point i hadn't showered in the last 40 hours or so...).

The Future: Nuclear War in the Middle East by 2005

Saturday, September 18, 2004


CCR: "Rasul v. Bush "

The Future: Response to terrorism leads Russian return to communism

Russia is falling back into communism. Like the US, Russians are about to lose their freedoms in return for protection from terrorism.

"Putin's move to tighten control on power creates a dilemma for the Bush administration. Suggestions from Washington that he seek a political solution with the Chechen separatists fall now on very stony soil. Putin told the group of Western academics that his answer to Bush is, 'Why don't you meet with Osama bin Laden? Invite him to Brussels or the White House and engage in talks. Ask him what he wants and give it to him so he leaves you in peace.'"

It is laughable that the Bush administration is trying to convince Putin not to overreact to terrorism and not to take away Russian freedoms to "secure" Russia. Putin is Russia's Bush. They both believe in the fantasy of protection from terrorism through unfocused brutality and oppression. Putin is only following Bush's lead. It is no wonder Bush was so taken with him.

Is there any remaining part of the Reagan legacy that the Bushs will not have squandered after Russia falls back into Communist rule?

Review: "You back the attack; We will bomb who we want!"

Is a neat book by Micah Wright. Wright is a TV, comic, video game, and book writer. "You back the attack; We will bomb who we want!" is a collection of Wright's treatments of old war propaganda posters updated to reflect his views on today's America, with it's fascist overtones. It also features discussion of the pieces.

He also publishes feedback on his website ---(Dear Traitor...").

The letters are generally venomous attacks written in the broken english of crazed nationalists, calling Wright a traitor and a being of pure evil. His responses are entertaining reads as well. Here is one for your enjoyment.

"As I see it, you have but one choice: continue to be a Fox-News brainwashed lemming, or suck it up and defend our Constitution against the poaching of our Civil Rights by Bush & Ashcroft. With your constant assaults on my freedom of speech, you and your fellow inbred "Conservatives" show yourselves to be what you really are:


Syllables: fas-cism
Part of Speech: noun
Pronunciation fae shih zEm
1. a system of government characterized by strong, often dictatorial control of political and economic affairs, and often by warlike nationalism and brutal suppression of political dissidents and ethnic minorities.
2. any of the distinctive principles or practices of this system.
3. (usu. cap.) a party or government espousing this system.

yours, Micah"

Monday, September 13, 2004

Mike, The Headless Chicken

Saturday, September 11, 2004

We are so Sorry for 9-11: Free Muslim Coalition Against Terrorism

There was a very interesting article on the web today, on the 3rd anniversary of September 11th terrorist attack. It was an article by an Islamic group apologizing on the behalf of the entire Muslim world for the acts of Terrorism that some members of Islam have perpetrated.

We are so Sorry for 9-11: Free Muslim Coalition Against Terrorism

It is a curious article. As a non-Muslim, I appreciate the sentiment and I applaud the actions of the Free Muslim Coalition Against Terrorism in taking a stand against violence in the name of Islam, but the article left me with a number of thoughts that probably were not intended.

The article was published on September 11th, the third aniversary of the attack. I would guess it was released to get the maximum exposure to the apology. The message reaches the most people and additionally provides the maximum exposure for the group worldwide. While some may attack the decision as tacky as the writers do not appear to have anything to do with the attacks besides sharing a religion (they appear to be American Muslims), I do not. I think an apology has to be taken at face value. It was not an apology that anyone requested, but it was one that suvivors and the family of the deceased I am sure will appreciate.

Frankly, all of Islam has looked subhuman for the last few years as Middle Eastern Muslims have taken to the streets in what seems like nightly parades to cheer murder worldwide. It is nice to see that not all Muslims are religious fanatics looking for a reason to blow up themselves and anyone around them, however, I cannot escape the feeling that the vast majority of this organization are American Muslims---a pretty peaceful group these days.

A co-worker recently recounted a discussion he had with a female Muslim in college over a decade ago that as of late has had me thinking about Muslim violence. He was asking if she thought there would be peace in the middle east in our lifetime. He suggested that if the Muslims who wanted peace demanded it of their leaders, maybe we would see it in our lifetime. She responded, "There are no peaceful muslims; Only undisturbed ones."

If this is an opinion of a young Muslim, I had to ask, am I fooling myself to think otherwise?

(I live in Texas and as such I am surrounded by fundamentalists of an equally disturbing nature---the Evangelistical Christians. After every attack I hear the same thought echoed over and over in casual conversation, "Turn the middle east into a parking lot. Nuke it all. That will solve all of the world's problems." I would think that the idea is too insane to be considered, but as the President of the US is just another one of these people, maybe I should touch on it.

It is foolish in my opinion to believe that this would resolve anything. With one group eliminated, the nature of human kind is that other groups' confilcts would move into the forefront. Korea or India having Nukes, China suppressing human rights, someone else having a natural resource the US, Europe, or China covet, etc...

Looking at the idea further from just a practicallity standpoint, what about the Muslims in other countries? How are they going to react to having family and loved ones in the Middle East slaughtered? It seems a recipe for MORE terrorism, not less. (Even in spite of the simple truth of Terrorism. Terrorism is a despirate and immature cry for attention. It is buying a 20 second commercial for your cause with your life. And you don't even get to write the script.)

Look at Afganistan and Al Quida. The US went into Afganistan and we killed a number of member of Al Quida. But we didn't get everyone. Now there are Al Quida cells all over the place in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. I would think that the death of fellow members (friends of theirs) would galvanize a religious fundamentalist---bringing the personal in line with the dogma to birth a more devoted Terrorrist.

Why would anyone want to make more of these damaged people?

It is scary to think that the embattled Russian leadership now also has has a national consensus to address the "Muslim problem" after the autrocity at Beslan. Russians are tough. They are not the kind-hearted liberals we are in America. Their response will be brutal. With 2 super powers having had enough of the Islamic fundamentalists and Bush ahead in the US presidential race, Iranians should sleep lightly.)

I read the editorial by Abdel Rahman al-Rashed condemning the Beslan terrorists and asking Muslims to take a critical look at their society. ( "Almost all terrorists are Muslims. It is a certain fact that not all Muslims are terrorists, but it is equally certain, and exceptionally painful, that almost all terrorists are Muslims.")

I found the editorial and the FMCAT website a welcome comfort to my troubling thoughts. Here are Muslims acknowledging their issues and trying to bring about positive peaceful change in the Muslim community. They have articles that are designed to encourage Muslims who might be supportive of murder and brutality to think about their actions. They present arguements based off scriptures from the Koran. While I think the article on the Koran basically supporting American values (The Qur'an demands a SECULAR state) may have many fallacies in it, if they are going to battle for the soul of Islam vs. militant religious leaders, their arguements must have the weight of the Koran behind it to have any sway. It mirrors the language that is used on sites that are in support of terrorist activities. So that seems positive.

I hope SOMETHING positive may finally come from this. If reform in the Middle East comes about from these individuals efforts, maybe the deaths of the 9/11 victims and others might be a little less meaningless and the survivors of terrorism could take some small comfort from that.

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey says it will file a lawsuit against Saudi Arabia for damages suffered in 9/11 terrorist attack.

"The government agency that owns the World Trade Center site said Friday it intends to hold Saudi Arabia and nearly 100 other defendants liable for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people and destroyed the complex."

"...Those familiar with the filing said there is unease within the Port Authority's hierarchy about taking such an action to protect the agency's financial interests. There is also concern, they said, that New York Gov. George Pataki, a Republican, might be wary of upsetting President Bush, who strongly supports Saudi Arabia, publishes the Star-Ledger."

Adventure: Car Repair

Back story:

In July, I was given an old 1984 BMW which I have been slowly restoring. A couple months ago, I took the car into a place I go that specializes in automotive electrical wiring to have them look at the electrical system. While I was in there, they offered to try to bring up the air conditioning system as they felt pretty comfortable with their ability to get it running. Living in Texas where it is hot and having a little extra money, I said sure. They spent a few hours working on getting power to the components and checking out the cooling system. Then they discovered the compressor was failing and that there was a problem with the switch unit that launches the compressor. So I was billed $400 for their work, but they provided me with a quote for $145 to install a replacement used compressor and a new switch.

Well 2 weeks ago I finally had the free money to take care of that. I called the auto place and advised them I was ready to do this and they said they would look around for the part. I called them back yesterday and advised them I wanted to do it today. They said that would be fine, that they would call around and get a part.


So this morning I decided to head down to Pick and Pull (a huge Dallas Junkyard) and pull some replacement seats for my car. (my car is a 318I---a great car, but the seats do not age well...).

I called the autoplace and advised that I would be down to drop off the car around noon as I was going to the junkyard. The guy I deal with at the shop told me, "Great, call me when you get there."


So I head down to the junkyard and I call him. He tells me, "Hey, go ahead and pick up a compressor while you are down there."

Now I didn't know what a compressor was---in fact, I spent most of my time wandering the junkyard in the Texas midday heat trying to remember if it was a compressor or a condensor I was looking for, so I could ask someone to identify the part.

Eventually, one sunburn to deep farmer's tan later, I was on my way to the auto shop with a compressor in tow. I paid $80 for it.

On reaching the autoshop, I was advised that i had chosen a working condensor, but it had a lot of rust in it. Oh, and that it may somehow be leaking freon. The repair guy said he probably wouldn't have a problem getting it working. He was able to get it installed, but it ran noisily---sounding to me just like the compressor they had deemed to be failing. They advised me that they would need to vacuum all the air out of the system for about 2 hours and then fill it with coolant. At this point it was 5 PM and I had to go to the airport to get my brother. I advised them that I could bring the car back in tomorrow, but the repair guy said it would only take 5 minutes to charge the system.


I paid them $135 to get the compressor installed and to fill the system with freon. I left the shop really angry. Instead of the $145 I was quoted, I paid $215, had to find my own part, killed a day looking for it and removing it, it was not properly vaccuumed and recharged, AND it seems likely that I didn't get a compressor that much better than the one it replaces!

It annoys me that I let myself be taken advantage of like that. Never again.

Harley-Davidson Sizzle W - Women's Boots

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Adventure: Mississippi trip

I am going to Mississippi! There is a Klu Klux (something or the other) convention and I've been told I am the guest of honor!

(I am actually going to see my friend Big House. The 14th is her birthday. I am very nervous about Mississippi. I spoke to my Mom about her recent trip to Mississippi. She says she had similar misgivings about going, but found the people there very nice when she went.

We will see.

I made Big House promise me I won't get hurt in any way shape or form if I go.)

Cheney's Speech 'Disgraceful,' NY Times Says,"Cheney -- 'the Terrifier in Chief'' "

Cheney's Speech 'Disgraceful,' NY Times Says -- 09/09/2004: "The New York Times called Vice President Dick Cheney's recent campaign speech 'disgraceful,' for suggesting that terrorists would be more likely to hit the U.S. if Kerry is elected president. "

New Kitty Kelley book 'raises questions about whether the President has practiced what he preaches on the issue of abortion.'

Republican Party Chairman Warns of 'Vicious Attacks' to Come -- 09/09/2004: "Democratic strategist Susan Estrich, in a column last Wednesday, .... said the new Kitty Kelley book 'raises questions about whether the President has practiced what he preaches on the issue of abortion.' "

elementary school curricula explores 9/11's 'root causes' "Call it the Chips Ahoy! School of International Studies: Fifth-graders at Fratney Street School in Milwaukee learn about causes of terrorism with a small bag of cookies and a large map of the world.
Bob Peterson teaches students that overpopulation and poverty help make it easier to recruit terrorists for attacks like those on Sept. 11, 2001.
In one of Peterson's lessons, students stand, arranged by population, on a huge world map. Peterson hands out cookies according to gross national products: The 16 students in Asia each get one cookie, and the three in Africa split half a cookie among them. In North America, one student enjoys eight cookies."

Now it's Bush's turn to squirm

"Only Bush was tough enough. Bush, adopting the tone of the fraternity house president he once was, sarcastically derided Kerry: 'No matter how many times Senator Kerry flip-flops, we were right to make America safer by removing Saddam Hussein from power.'
In fact, on the third day of the Republican convention, Kerry had given a penetrating and highly specific speech on the war on terrorism and Iraq, detailing how Bush's strategy amounted to a series of catastrophic blunders. 'When it comes to Iraq,' he said, 'it's not that I would have done one thing differently, I would have done almost everything differently.'
Kerry's speech was pointedly ignored by Bush who, with Cheney, rained a steady fire of ridicule down on Kerry. Meanwhile, the report on Iraq by the Royal Institute of International Affairs was buried in the back pages. 'Iraq could splinter into civil war and destabilise the whole region if the interim government, US forces and United Nations fail to hold the ring among factions struggling for power.' Civil war, the institute said, was 'the most likely outcome'. Kerry remarked that because of Bush's errors 'terrorists have secured havens in Iraq that were not there before'. The New York Times reported that Fallujah and many other cities in the Sunni triangle are under the control of Islamist insurgents. But Bush steadfastly refused to engage Kerry in debate. A report chronicling the undermining of the war against terrorism by James Fallows in The Atlantic, in which numerous military officials described how Afghanistan became a 'sideshow' as resources were siphoned to Iraq, received almost no attention. 'Our strategy is succeeding,' Bush told his jubilant rallies. "

Cheaney attacks Clinton & Reagan on Terrorism

"Dick Cheney announced that a vote against Bush was tantamount to a vote for a terrorist attack: 'If we make the wrong choice then the danger is that we'll get hit again.'
On the day that former President Clinton had his heart surgery, Cheney attacked him as weak on terrorism, and for good measure set upon Ronald Reagan too."

Confirmed: Bush failed to fulfill military committment

"On Wednesday, the Boston Globe published documents proving that Bush, whose spotty record in the National Guard was always mysterious, 'fell well short of meeting his military obligation'. Maj Gen Paul A Weaver Jr., who retired in 2002 as the Pentagon's director of the Air National Guard, was quoted: 'It appears that no one wanted to hold him accountable.'

Confirmed: Influence used to keep Bush out of Viet Nam

"CBS' '60 Minutes II' program aired an interview with Ben Barnes, a former lieutenant governor of Texas, who says he used his influence to get Mr. Bush into the National Guard."

Conservative Group Rejects 'Homosexual Marriage by Another Name' -- 09/09/2004

Bill Targeting Frivolous Lawsuits Advances in the House -- 09/09/2004

This Bill sounds dodgy, but I like the idea of reform. Unfortuantely, IMO, it is the kind of thing that the Republicans usually screw up.

By that, I mean that I mean that people who are more sensitive to the rights of an individual (usually Democrats) would tend to write laws that protect the rights of the indivual as guaranteed by the bill of rights and the consitution.

Lawmakers who aren't immediately focused on the rights of the individual tend to write laws that have more loopholes (whether on purpose or not, I won't say) and are more likely to be abused and eventually overturned as unconstitutional.

Trial Lawyers, are of course, up in arms over this bill. They point out several good points as well as several loaded arguements in an effort to make their point.

For example, to me, it would appear this modifcation seems designed to make examples out of lawyers and would likely be abused---it will probably be successfully challenged.

Rule 11(1)(C) in paragraph (2), by striking `shall be limited to what is sufficient' and all that follows through the end of the paragraph (including subparagraphs (A) and (B)) and inserting `shall be sufficient to deter repetition of such conduct or comparable conduct by others similarly situated, and to compensate the parties that were injured by such conduct. The sanction may consist of an order to pay to the party or parties the amount of the reasonable expenses incurred as a direct result of the filing of the pleading, motion, or other paper that is the subject of the violation, including a reasonable attorney's fee.';...

Ultimately, I think lawsuit restrictions and controls are needed, but I would set these limits in another way. I think the amount of money an individual can receive should be capped, but their ability to sue should not be infringed upon. I think anything over a certain amount should be redirected to the government as fines---say to fund social security or medical care. That way if you are a corporation that does wickedly irresponsible and damaging things, I can sue you for an appropriate amount for gross negligence, but if I am seeking to sue your business just as a money grab, there are limits in place that might have both my lawyer and myself questioning the value of a lawsuit.

Why not cap recieveables for injuries at a certain amount? Or perhaps X dollars + all medical bills. The idea of someone becoming a multi-millionaire because they spilled a fast food resturant's coffee in their lap is just asinine.

I think most people support tort reform, but this bill seems too open to being abused. An individual may actually have a difficult time finding a good lawyer to bring a lawsuit against a large corporation. That ultimately appears be the point of this legislation.

Republican Homosexual Advocacy Group Won't Endorse Bush for Re-election -- 09/08/2004

I don't know which part of this story is sillier----that there is a gay groups supporting a party that hates gays or that that group is announcing publically that they won't be supporting Bush.

...So they won't be mobilizing the massive conservative homosexual voting block for Bush.... "Wow! That'll really hurt the Bush campaign!"

Bush Leading America Into 'Snake Pit of Fascism,' Congressman Says -- 09/02/2004

"U.S. Rep. Major Owens, a New York Democrat, warned a crowd of feminist protesters that the Bush administration is taking America 'into a snake pit of fascism.'

Owens also said the Bush administration 'spits on democracy' and is leading the country down a path reminiscent of 'Nazi Germany.' "

Upset gun owners set to dump Bush

This article made me laugh: "'I was surprised and disappointed to learn of the report of the president's support for continuing the ban on homeland-security rifles, aka semi-auto rifles,' said Larry Pratt, executive director of Virginia-based Gun Owners of America, a group with 300,000 members nationwide. "

First, the idea that gun owners would not vote for a republican is just silly. People who own guys and belong to these groups are vocal. They are not going to sit around not voting while other Americans select the president. And they sure aren't voting for democrats.

...And "homeland-security rifles"? LOL!!!

Just Silly.

On the flip side, I do want to give Bush SOME credit for taking a stance against the sales of semi-automatics over the last year. (I am very critical of Bush, but every once in a while he does something not reprehensible and I should credit him for those instances.) Now granted Bush really hasn't had the juice to make any kind of meaningful stand on this issue since he spent all of his momentum at the time on getting us into Iraq, but he should get at least a mention for this. His priorities may be all screwed up (Hmmm...invade a country that didn't attack us or prevent another Columbine....?) and he may be an incompetent bumbler, but not everything he supports is worthless.

I will fault him for not having any foresight with regards to the issue and not raining it 2 years ago, but the gun control battle is over today and the gun nuts have won. I won't fault Bush for not being goaded by the Democrats into taking a more aggressive stance on a losing issue in an election year.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Damn it

I awoke at 4:30 AM to hear my door opening. I didn't open my eyes. The only person who had a key and would just open the door and walk in was Tiff.

She fumbled around in the living room---taking her shoes off I guess---then walked into my room and got into my bed. She smelled slightly of smoke from the club she had been at as well as the cigarette she still smoked. I was vaguely conscious of thinking she looked thin.

She was haltingly beautiful. As always. Today she was even hotter than normal. She was dressed as the punk she was when I met her---wearing her contacts and her black eye makeup. Out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of her toes clad in fishnets peaking out of leather pants. She was so hot.

My heart leapt that she had come back to me.

Then she spoke.

"I'll probably never wear these clothes again," She said as her head took a beeline to my dick.


"What the fuck!?!" I thought.

Then I realized, This wasn't her coming back to me. This was her way of saying goodbye.

The last time I had spoken to her, I asked her, "Am I a potential husband or an ex-boyfriend?" She had responed in an ice cold voice, "I don't see a future with you."

Neither one of us knew what to say after that. 20 seconds later I got off the line. After 6 years, my time with Tiff had finally run out.

I hadn't heard from her at all in the last 3 weeks. And now, here she was about to go down on me.

My heart pounded in my chest like it was trying to get out. What did it mean?

Then it occurred to me. Tiff doesn't do blowjobs.

As simple as that, the spell was broken. Tiff, my beautiful bug, vanished into the ether.

I opened my eyes in the dark of my apartment. Alone.

My stomach tied itself into knots. What did it mean? I felt sick. Like I had sullied her memories. Why did I dream that? Is that what I felt---that I wanted her for sex only? I took some comfort in the fact that I wouldn't feel this bad if that was it.

I wanted despirately to call her cell phone, if only to hear her recorded message. No. I don't want to be that guy. Not to Tiff. Not ever.

I sat alone in the darkness, devoid of Tiff and consumed by nothing. Clutching the empty air. Trying to hold it close to me.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Election:Collapsing the stock market or the U.S. dollar on the eve of the November election?

The Future: The coming war with Iran

The Great Game by Uri Averny --- How the giant oil-field in the Caspian Sea region draws the US into war with Iran.

BullbZine Special: Masked wrester wins election

History: Kerry on the day he voted for war

I found this article going through my old files.

It is an article from the day the democratic party signed control of the US war machine over to President Grinning Monkey.

My Nephew's computer

I am building a new Computer for my Nephew Timmy to use for burning DVDs. I am trying to build a Shuttle XPC Computer for him. With any computer you have to think about the limitations of the box and how the components work together. All of the Shuttle cases come with special miniturized motherboards and less powerful power supplies. This allows he box to run cooler. In building a Shuttle you want to select as few components as possible and preferrably parts which pull as little power as possible (hence generating as little heat as possible). In this instance, I have decided to use the older Northwood Pentium 4 processor over the newer Prescott Pentium 4 Processor for this reason. The newer processor consumes more power and generates more component-life-shortening heat.

Here is an article supporting the decision to go with the older Northwood chip.Why Prescott Sucks by Tom Halfhill

And in case any of you are interested, here are a list of some different processor electrical specifications.

My Family

I had wanted to put this in my profile, but there is too little space. (I have a big family.) I am the 5th child born to American immigrants.

My Dad, Michael, has the kindest heart of any man you will ever meet. He is a soft spoken and shy British immigrant who became a doctor in the US for the right reasons---to help people. It may be cheesey, but he is my hero.

My mother, Lois, is a 6 foot tall statuesque Jamaican beauty with a regal presence. Growing up, all of our friends fell in love with her...and feared her.

My sister Jane is the oldest child, with 6 kids of her own (Angela, Timmy, Danny, Justin, Madeline, and Elizabeth) as well as a devoted husband (Tim). Jane graduated from Stanford with a civil engineering degree. We often refer to her as Saint Jane because she is as kind as they come. Jane's family lives in Tucson.

My oldest brother John lives in Dallas. He works very hard. He is very insightful and a fun guy to hang out with. He has an MBA from UT and a bachelors from UNM. John is dating a lovely South American girl named Vanessa.

Dr. Luke is the second oldest brother. He has always been the achiever of the family. He has a bachelors degree from Stanford, a masters in science from Texas Tech, and is now an emergency room doctor in Lubbock. In the past, he has been manipulative in an insultingly obvious fashion, but he has mostly grown out of that. In many ways, being a doctor has really brought out the better parts of him. I think Luke would like to meet a nice girl, but I think it might be hard for him to meet someone who sees Luke and not his paycheck.

Matt is the family Nomad. You can call him the black sheep if you want---I prefer to think of him as "ornery". When I think of how a man should act in society I think of my Dad; When I think of a man's man, I think of Matt. Matt has walked his own path and made himself into the man he is today with little help. He is a psychiatric Nurse, which allows him to work in different regions and travel. His home base is Hawaii. He has a girlfriend who seems nice.

Mike DePaul is my other older brother. He has been Matt's best friend since they were in 7th grade. He lives north of San Diego with his sweet as sugar girlfriend. Mike is a former college baseball star who is fiercely competitive. He works as an investment advisor and fears absolutely nothing. He is headstrong and brash, but there is nothing fake about Mike. He is the most loyal person I have ever known.

Gail is my little sister and the youngest Padwick. I didn't like Gail when she was younger because I shared the view of my brothers that Gail was a spoiled brat. Then one day in my teens I turned around to discover she was the neatest person I knew. I think for a time she may have felt haunted by being the "other" sister next to Jane, but she has grown beyond that. She is saintly in her own right. She constantly invites me over for dinner and is always there for me. I hope I am half the brother to her. I did introduce her to her husband, so maybe I am OK. Her husband's name is Mike. He is from Buffalo and bemoans living in Texas nearly every day, but that is his worst failing. :) Mike is a nice guy, but is a little private. He is very smart. He is one of those people who can pick things up very easily. I worry sometimes that that ability may prevent him from really applying himself. He has only scratched the surface of who he can be. Mike is an IT guy. Gail and Mike are pregnant with my nephew---codename: Hunter A.K.A. "Peanut".

I am friends with two other guys I consider my brothers. Jose Bueno (yes that is his real name) took his beautiful wife Nyssa and their 3 rambunctious kids (my nephews Chris and James and my beautiful niece Anwyn) down to Florida. Faux Hispanic Jose is brilliant. Not just smart. Brilliant. The kind of guy who will debate scientific theories. The kind of guy who reads science magazines from cover to cover and follows the space program like the average joe follows the NFL. That kind of brilliant. I hated Jose when I met him. I thought he was an arrogant jerk. (I have never seen anyone consistently make bad first impressions. Well, I guess he has to be bad at SOMETHING. :)) After I got to know him, my view on Jose totally changed. I realized that there are people out there who are like my Dad. I can't give higher praise. Jose is a computer programmer. Nyssa is just plain sweet. She is Bohemian. She reminds me a lot of Gail. (Again, high praise.)

My Little brother is Roman Gupta. We became friends back when I was managing Keith's Comics #3 in Richardson, TX. Roman and I share a love of comics and the worldview of a native born outsider in an out of control Amerika. He has a degree in International Business.

Created Blog Today

I have been wanting to create a blog for quite a while now. I have been most envious of my friend's blog for the past few years. She has had one for over 3 years now and has used it to force herself to write. She has become an exceptional writer and recently finished her first novel --- before the age of 25!

I am 33.

Envy can be a horrible thing, but hopefully in this instance it will spur me to acheive my goals.

I want to write comics for a living. No two ways about it. I would prefer not to have to move to NY, but I might have to eventually. We will see...