Saturday, September 18, 2004

Review: "You back the attack; We will bomb who we want!"

Is a neat book by Micah Wright. Wright is a TV, comic, video game, and book writer. "You back the attack; We will bomb who we want!" is a collection of Wright's treatments of old war propaganda posters updated to reflect his views on today's America, with it's fascist overtones. It also features discussion of the pieces.

He also publishes feedback on his website ---(Dear Traitor...").

The letters are generally venomous attacks written in the broken english of crazed nationalists, calling Wright a traitor and a being of pure evil. His responses are entertaining reads as well. Here is one for your enjoyment.

"As I see it, you have but one choice: continue to be a Fox-News brainwashed lemming, or suck it up and defend our Constitution against the poaching of our Civil Rights by Bush & Ashcroft. With your constant assaults on my freedom of speech, you and your fellow inbred "Conservatives" show yourselves to be what you really are:


Syllables: fas-cism
Part of Speech: noun
Pronunciation fae shih zEm
1. a system of government characterized by strong, often dictatorial control of political and economic affairs, and often by warlike nationalism and brutal suppression of political dissidents and ethnic minorities.
2. any of the distinctive principles or practices of this system.
3. (usu. cap.) a party or government espousing this system.

yours, Micah"


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