Saturday, September 18, 2004

The Future: Response to terrorism leads Russian return to communism

Russia is falling back into communism. Like the US, Russians are about to lose their freedoms in return for protection from terrorism.

"Putin's move to tighten control on power creates a dilemma for the Bush administration. Suggestions from Washington that he seek a political solution with the Chechen separatists fall now on very stony soil. Putin told the group of Western academics that his answer to Bush is, 'Why don't you meet with Osama bin Laden? Invite him to Brussels or the White House and engage in talks. Ask him what he wants and give it to him so he leaves you in peace.'"

It is laughable that the Bush administration is trying to convince Putin not to overreact to terrorism and not to take away Russian freedoms to "secure" Russia. Putin is Russia's Bush. They both believe in the fantasy of protection from terrorism through unfocused brutality and oppression. Putin is only following Bush's lead. It is no wonder Bush was so taken with him.

Is there any remaining part of the Reagan legacy that the Bushs will not have squandered after Russia falls back into Communist rule?


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