Monday, November 01, 2004

The opposite of a "Liberal Democrat"

Since Bush Sr. the term "liberal" has been a dirty word in America. It isn't taken to mean open-minded or tolerant anymore, but rather unrealistic and irresponsible.

And certainly, the more socialist branches of the Democratic party might be a little of both.

However it has become vogue that every time a Republican starts to loose an arguement they resort to calling their opponent "liberal".

Ideally, we would as a society should look down upon politicians who resort to namecalling over reasoned debate, but the facts are a portion of our society (5%? 30%? 50%?) is poorly educated without a real desire to consider issues. They are (and I mean this with no malice) sheep. Their big goal each election is to not look like a sucker.

That frankly is something the extremists in the Republican party have used over the last 20 years to allow their fringe agenda to root.

I think there is a need for a leveling of that playing feild to eliminate this imbalance and force those citizens who don't want to look like a sucker to do their homework. A term needs to be coined for people who support the republican angenda at their own expense.

I nominate:

"Republican Tool"

"Republican" rather than "conservative", because it is truly difficult to criticise someone for being conservative and the current group running the Republican party are far more radical, in their desire to forcefully impose their views on others, than conservative.

The word "tool" has two meanings which apply that can either be slightly offensive or very offensive.

1) Something used in the performance of an operation; an instrument.
2) A person used to carry out the designs of another; a dupe.

Republican Tools vote Republican because they gravitate to the principles the Republican Party espoused under Reagan. Lower taxes. A strong military. A belief that the government should not be anyone's sugar. daddy.

These people generally glaze over the details, otherwise they would recognize that today's Republican Party is not Reagan's Republicans. Beyond even that, they would realize that both parties take turns spending government money. When the Democrats are in power the money is (perhaps lavishly) spent on "feel good" projects and on the poor and middle class. In the current Bush regime money is spent lavishly on corporate payouts. John McCain called one of the bills recently passed by the Republican majorities in Congress and President Bush "No lobbyist left behind". Even some Republicans think their spending is out of control.

The facts are one of the two parties will ALWAYS be spending more government money than you prefer on things you probably wish they weren't. Government money will always be spent. Whether it is for funding public schools, buying votes (tax rebate checks), or buying campaing contributions (pork barrel payouts), count on the money being spent. So it is up to you. On what do you want the money spent?

Not acknowledging this fact and stating that one is voting for the Republicans to "control wasteful spending" is the first sign of the Republican Tool.

If you make less than 40K, you have no reason to vote Republican.

If in addition, you have medical bills that exceed $5K a year, you have even less of a reason to vote Republican.

If you beleive in religious freedom and the seperation of church and state, you have no reason to vote for these Republicans.

If you have kids who attend public school, you are voting against their success when you vote Republican. Rich Republicans' kids go to private schools. They don't want your kids to compete on a level playing feild with their kids. Public Schools will continue to fall behind with each voucher issued. You are endorsing people who are cheating your kids out of a fair shot at succeeding.

If you are black and you vote for this group of Republicans, you are voting for a group that in 2000 illegally disinfranchised thousands of black voters and is currently still illegally denying black people (many the same people for the same trumped up reasons!) their right to vote in the state of Florida. (Click here to see the BBC News expose'.)

If you are a believe in fair elections as the basis of all legitimacy in American government and you vote for this group of Republicans, you are voting for people who have committed election fraud tearing up Democratic voters' registration forms in Nevada and disinfranchising COLLEGE STUDENTS (KIDS!) who registered as Democrats by monkeying with their registration forms. (Again, click here to see the BBC News expose'.)

If any of these apply to you and you vote Republican in this election, you are probably a Republican Tool.

I have a friend who I like a great deal. He is very clever and very well educated. In spite of that, he has gone out of his way to fabricate reasons to reach the conclusion he should vote for the Bush Republicans, because he likes "Republican values". He makes about 32K a year. His wife has some issues that lead them to having to pay over $11K in medical bills out of pocket last year. His insurance covers LESS this year. And he is voting Republican.

Man, If you are reading this, I love you, but you are a Republican Tool.


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