Monday, October 04, 2004

Tobi: Hurricane Tina

I put off the last bit of moving for the two days Tina was in town. I had a TON of fun with her.

We went to have Indian food. She liked it but couldn't take the spicyness. She had never had Indian food before. I ordered her a mango lassi to soothe the spicyness. She really liked that until I told her it was puree of mango and yogurt. (She loudly professes to hate yogurt.)

I was so hyped about her coming that I took notes of things we talked about and got stuff at the store for her. She loves chocolate covered strawberries, has a weakness for rocky road ice cream, and is addicted to coca-cola (She prefers them in cans---"The first drink from a can of coke is the best.").

I bought a 12 pack of coke that I had chilling in the fridge and a pint of Blue Bell Rocky Road in the freezer when she arrived. The strawberries were tougher. Kroger did not have any chocolate covered strawberries. I had seen some over at Tom Thumb, but when I drove over there they didn't have any. I decided to dip some myself. I didn't like the look of the strawberries at Tom Thumb so I drove back over to Kroger and I found a beautifully fresh looking box of strawberries. (I don't even want to think about what had to be done to get them looking like that.) I asked an employee to point me to the chocolate dip.

The dip for making a hard chocolate coating is actually just a container of those chocolate shells. You melt them a little in the microwave and then stir them to finish the melting process and then you dip them. But don't overdo the melting (like I did) or you'll end up going back out to the store at 6 AM for more chocolate.

After you dip the strawberries, you sit them on wax paper to cool.

The instructions say you shouldn't put them in the refridgerator, but I did. What I noticed after 3 days was that the strawberries slowly shriveled and became less appealing and condensation gathered around the strawberries (I probably should have covered them :P) , but the strawberries IMO were much better on day 2 and 3 than they were on day 1. To me, they tales like those chocolate covered cheries my Grandmother used to love, but less sweet ---move of a subtle dreaminess to them.

Anyway, she really liked them and I think they made her aware of how much I like her. Mission Accomplished! :)

I took Tina and Big House to lunch at the Blue Goose as Big House was leaning towards Jack In The Box, and I couldn't let that happen. I was kind of disappointed. We went to the Blue Goose in Plano and again I was just not very impressed with their food and it hit me as kind of expensive---especially for an unimpressive mexican lunch ($60+ for 3.)---but it was my choice to go there. (I really like the Fajitas at the Blue Goose in the SMU area and it has seems more reasonable. Probably just my perception though...)

We went simming and had a lot of fun. I think I threw Tina out of MY jacuzi and into the cold pool on account of her sassyness at one point. She retaliated by luring me in close for a kiss with her hotness and cruelly poured cold water on me!!! SO UNCALLED FOR!!!!

I took them out for ice cream at Fresco in Richardson. They liked the ice cream, but Tina did not like it better than rocky road. hmph.

The three of us went dancing at a club in Carrolton. They had a good time. They danced all night---by themselves and with other guys. I did get a little jealous at one point because Tina is pretty wild on the dance floor, but we talked about it and that's just how she is on the dancefloor. Big House met a guy who didn't help matters by telling me over and over that, "...she may be getting aroused dancing with other men and being touched by them---but she is coming home with you!" :P

The last thing I want to think of is my date getting aroused by other men---well actually the second to last. The last thing is that I want to think of is my date having thoughts of other men while she is kissing me.

Anyway, Tina (and Big House) assures me that dancing doesn't get her aroused. It boggles my mind that it wouldn't, but heck, girls are differrent.

I was OK with being at the club as the night was for them. I did dance with Tina a bit at the end of the night and I liked that, but she was ready to go home so we left shortly thereafter.


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