Monday, October 04, 2004

Tobi: Move Completed + Tiff thoughts.

So I have moved out of the old apartment. It is nice to rid myself of the ghosts in that place. Or the Ghost.

Tiff had written stuff on my mirror in lipstick that was up for pretty much the whole time I lived there. "Smoochies" "Love, Bug" While I was moving I wiped it off. Cleaning it off made me sad. I thought maybe I should take a picture of it, but no. It was way past due time for a clean break.

I kind of wonder if there is something wrong with me. I seem to be very good at burying past realtionships since Dina. Once it is over, I almost never think of the girl. I am only thinking about Tiff because I am writing this entry. That hits me as kind of odd. I wonder if that is my self-defense mechanism.

Or maybe that is normal.

I had some white ceramic ic cream bowls that she bought for me. She always liked them better than I did. To me they are too big. If I put cereal into them, I eat too much. I will probably have my sister take them into Tiff's workplace and drop them off. I don't want to make Tiff uncomfortable by crossing into her territory. She can have Lewisville---I never liked that town anyway.

I also have a wire figure she built in art class. It is a punk rocker. I don't think she liked it as much as I did, and she may very well throw it away, but I don't want to keep stuff of hers. I am sending it with the bowls.

I am keeping the dream catcher she made for me though. I like it. It is very nicely done and I don't want to give that up. I may be being petty though, not sure. I know she would probably want that back.

I had already taken back everything else that she had left at my house while she was "deciding if we should date".

I sew and I had bought a lot of fabrics and patterns to make dresses for her. (I think it is OK at this point for me to say that Tiff has no fashion sense. She is a girl who only occasionally shows any style, and when she does her lack of confidence really undermines it. She has some limited nice inclinations that pull heavily from 40's and 50's suburban styles.) It kind of burns me up that she asked me for all of that stuff a few weeks before she told me we didn't have a future together. To me, that is bordering on stealing. On one hand, I don't care, because it was cloth I chose out for her----I wouldn't want to sew it for others and I sure wouldn't want to look at it---but on the other hand, it stinks of being dishonest and trying to get what you can.

I think about that and I am convinced I am in a much, much better situation than I have been in the last 5 years. She just was not the right one.


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