Saturday, April 16, 2005

The goal of Republicans: Making America into Mexico

I will get into this in greater detail one day, but consider this. Next to the US, Mexico has the second largest number of Billionaires in the world.

When you consider the differences in cost of living, it could be argued that Mexicans ONLY worth hundred's of millions could legitimately be considered on par with American Billionaires.

And yet a huge part of mexico's population lives in abject poverty. A blind man could see the inevitablity of bloody class struggles in Mexico if the US border was ever to be adequately secured.

If the mexican government took 10-20% of the money owned by rich Mexicans and invested it into the education and housing of it's poorer citizens would the rich still not be filthy rich? Would a greater percentage of the poor not be more able to contribute to the prosperity of Mexico?

But you can't do that. The elite run Mexico. Their money is precious to them and belongs to them and no one else. They would not stand for someone taking from them. So they allow the rest of the country to rot.

Public education is crap. Mexico's police force is internationally known to take bribes. Theft and violence is a part of daily life in mexico.

The rich elite live above that. If they want to fly their families somewhere, they call an acquaintance in the airlines. Paid ticket holders are routinely bumped from their seats to free those seats for the elite. Flights leave early so the elite are not inconvenienced.

America uses taxes and services to address the gross imbalances that can exist between the rich and the poor.

America already fought its war on slavery and banned indentured servants. America has been about giving EVERYONE an equal chance to succeed in no small part in reaction to those learning experiences.

Why do the Republicans think America should be more like Mexico?


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