Friday, October 15, 2004

Veronica and National Novel Writing Month

My dear sweet friend Veronica Nichols, whose blog inspired me to start my own, visited my blog yesterday. I was so excited! I told her about it and she immediately visited it, read a lot of it, and linked to it. (I hope my blog doesn't get Farked, lol!---Veronica's blog is big time!)

She gave my blog a thumbs up!---which makes my day. I really wanted to hear her opinion on it. She is one of the best writers I have ever read, so it is cool to hear from her that I am not totally butchering this blog...thing. :).

Veronica has also advised that she will be writing a novel next month! Apparently, next month is National Novel Writing Month. A month dedicated to writing an entire novel! Wow! Dare I try?

Veronica is going to be writing a horror story using The Snowflake Process for Writing a Novel. When I advised that I was considering trying to write a novel, but I didn't know what to write, she suggested an epic adventure...Maybe this is as good a time as any to get the story of the Black Rose down on paper...Do I remember it?


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