Thursday, January 27, 2005

I suck at Internet Dating.

I was talking to Ms. V. about dating and read....

Ms. V.: oy. you know
Ms. V.: i'm starting to wonder
Ms. V.: if you don't even really know what you want
Ms. V.: in a woman
IdiotMe: I know EXACTLY what I want
IdiotMe: (its on my shopping list)<- A tongue-in-cheek ref. to my ad
Ms. V.: you're not exceptionally articulate about it
IdiotMe: ???????
Ms. V.: several people privately pointed out to me
Ms. V.: that your profile
Ms. V.: essentially spent a lot of words
Ms. V.: on "any woman. are you breathing? are you female?"
IdiotMe: hmmmph
Ms. V.: lol
Ms. V.: it IS pretty open ended
IdiotMe: I thought I was rather focused
Ms. V.: any woman could read that
Ms. V.: and apply it to herself
IdiotMe: hmm...
IdiotMe: darned it


Blogger The Tobidian said...

Tall Jamaican/Brit Mix seeking clever, fun woman

About Me:
I'll start with the awkward stuff so you don't have to ask. I am a former store owner. I have a bachelors and a steady job. I will be going back for my MBA in the next 2 years and have a couple new micro businesses brewing. I write comics as a sideline. I am working to become very comfortable, not rich. (Happiness is affording all the things you need, not the things you want. That said, my goal is to be able to afford to have kids and to travel some with my love while maintaining a modest home with a well sculpted Japanese-style stone garden. )

I do look oddly... soft... kinda Euro... in these pictures. Not sure why. (The lighting? Maybe the scarf?) I am a pretty physical guy---3 older brothers, I played football, etc.

I have a lot of interests. I love going to see movies, museums, plays, and performances. I like computers. I like shooting hoops, bowling, traveling, camping, hiking, fishing, and yardwork. I go through painting jags from time to time. I am far from a thrill addict, but I will willingly try just about anything a few times and I require very little advanced notice.

I am pretty damned fun and have moments where I can be cripplingly funny (although I am shooting for informative here :) ). I am pretty honest and forthright, but I don't step on other's feelings. I have a Boy Scout side --- I have a deeply ingrained desire to see fairness win out over greed and arrogance and I really want to be the best person I can possibly be.

I don't use drugs, but I have smoked out a few times and will probably take a few hallucinogen influenced writing retreats before I die. I do drink occasionally.

My musical tastes are eclectic. I like a few songs of almost every type of music. That said, to me personally music is entertainment and not a way of life. I generally gravitate to serenity at home; I don't need background noise like music or the TV on all the time.

I eat mostly healthy foods (I make a big effort to avoid cokes and most sweet or fatty foods in my home---but I will go out for Ice Cream at the drop of a hat). I exercise fairly regularly although I am no workout fiend (Probably similar sensibilities would mesh best---If "Lets go for a walk" means "... to your car. " I may not be the best choice for you. ).

I am pretty transparent. I don't play mind games. If you need that, I am not for you. I am an unrepentant romantic and a pretty gentle person overall. I am good at massaging tension out of a lady's muscles. I can be very tender with someone I love. I am pretty much a nypho when I am in a committed relationship. I have a lot of stamina and live to please my lady in bed. I want to date a kindred spirit.

About You:
To me, the most attractive attributes a woman can have include a quick wit, an insightful mind, a sweet, engaging personality, a megawatt smile, and a variety of fascinating quirks and mannerisms. I also like clever, mischievous ladies. I appreciate a lady who takes care of her skin and herself. I respect and admire an independent, strong-willed woman, especially one with a gentle soul. These attributes carry the most weight with me.

I grew up around brassy women with style. As such, I find corporate women appealing. I admire women with style (or at least gumption! Gumption works! :P) who are comfortable at least occasionally dressing in a somewhat sexy or adventurous manner over women who meekly subscribe to all of the latest "safe" (often boring) unisex fashions. (I recognize that is somewhat greedy on my part, but I live by this too. I try to dress to jazz the women I date. ) Plus, in my view, dressing up (at least occasionally) shows you have a healthy amount of pride in yourself. Self-confidence is attractive.

What does that stuff mean? I guess I appreciate a woman who will wear silk shirts and exotic foreign dresses from time to time. I appreciate ladies who like to wear dresses or skirts with hose occasionally. Turtle necks are a classic look on women and always sexy. Occasional high heels. (Or more than occasional if you want. I am 6'4" and I will never complain about that. ) Boots are cool. Doc Martens? Black fingernails? Kick ass! Does your hair color change with the seasons? Cool! Right On!

I am just saying I value a little spice from my lady from time to time, that's all.

Straight up, you should probably enjoy sex. I hope you might like the occasional day off spent cuddling in bed watching movies. I like kissing & hugging affectionate women and am very content to tenderly hold someone I cherish.

I am a VERY LAPSED Presbyterian, but your choice of religion is not an issue with me as long as it doesn't lead you to hurt others and you don't try to impose your beliefs and moral viewpoints on others. I look at spirituality as a personal choice.

No destructive drug habits please. I am out on anything that you snort, that trace amounts can randomly kill you, or that can give you brain damage. The idea of someone I love overdosing is just too big for me.

I want to be with someone I trust, respect, and to whom I am attracted. I am looking to date (hopefully leading to some deeper), but I am also up to just hang out if you like similar things and like to laugh.

12:33 AM  
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6:39 PM  

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