Movie: The Deal
"The Deal" is a small independent film, starring Christian Slater and Selma Blair. It was written in the last days of the Clinton Era, before we became mired in the oily middle east. Today, the premise seems oddly clairvoyant. That said, the film reportedly covers this conflict in a non-partisan fashion. Director Harvey Kahn and the braintrust behind the film felt, "Given the country's addiction to oil, this [taking extreme steps to guarantee a cheap oil supply] has the potential [to become real] in any administration, Democratic or Republican."
The story delves into how a US addicted to oil and petro-products might react to $6 a gallon fuel prices, in this case, brought about by a US war with the Muslim OPEC countries (referred to as the Confederation of Arab States).
This film opens on June 17th, but is not in wide release. You can go to the website linked above to see a short list of theaters carrying the film as well as the preview. If it isn't on in your local area, find the nearest theater that carries indy films and ask a manager if they have plans to carry it--- word of mouth always helps indy films. The film has a nice cast that should be pretty marketable in indy theaters.